Should We Be Worried About Stuxnet Redux?

Glenn A Miller
3 min readFeb 10, 2022
Actor who presents unattributed information

With the Superpowers edging toward conflict, we should be on the lookout in the private sector.

If you don’t know about Stuxnet, watch this documentary available on YouTube at no cost. It’s called “Zero Days,” which recounts the origins and outcomes of the Stuxnet virus. The US and Israel were cooperating to cripple Iranian nuclear fuel production.

Estimates are that it was developed over a five-year period. It was ultra-sophisticated and very stealthy until, the movie reveals, a misstep by the Israeli military set it loose in the wild.

Its targets were the command-and-control systems of Iranian uranium enrichment centrifuges. That’s the gist of it.

Interviews with the archaeological technologists, former government officials, a reporter, some academics, and unidentified sources take you through the game's spies, military, and political players. The virus was developed in secrecy then deployed with great secrecy. The political class disagreed on the execution of its payload, and things took a dreadful direction. Watch to understand those events.

Along the way, things most of us know about the NSA are confirmed. It also reveals some truths about why Iran took billions of dollars from US taxpayers in exchange for a promise to “play nice.”



Glenn A Miller

A 46 year veteran of the code wars. Rust is my newest toy.